Thursday, April 10, 2008

Welcome to the 20th Amplify YISS!

Hello there,

We are so excited that you're reading this now!

It has been 19 years since Amplify Ministry has organised the first Youth in the Spirit Seminar (YISS). This coming December, Amplify Ministry is organising the 20th YISS! Within the span of 2 decades, more than a thousand lives have been transformed and hearts set on fire for Christ. We have been very blessed to have experienced God tangibly through YISS, and our prayer is that you will receive a touch from God as well. He will not disappoint!

The YISS seminar is a 4-day stay in retreat where many will encounter God in a very tangible way. This December's YISS is themed: Liberation. We believe that God has huge plans for you in this camp! We believe that God wants you to live a life that is full of freedom and joy!

God has truly done amazing things in our lives, and we wish to share that victory with you! Do register as soon as possible as there are limited spaces! We look forward to seeing you there.

If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at

With Love,
Eunice & Keith
20th Youth in the Spirit Seminar
Amplify Ministry


What is the Youth in the Spirit Seminar (YISS)?

The YISS is the youth version of the Life in the Spirit Seminars, which has revoluntionised the spiritual lives of millions of Catholics all around the world. It is a 4 day stay-in retreat held at the Catholic Spirituality Centre.

Actually, to call it a retreat would be misleading since its purpose is to help us 'move
forward'. The YISS is designed to help young people connect to God and to yield to the action of the Holy Spirit in our lives. In this way, we begin to sense His presence and experience Him working in and through us.

It is for changing viewpoints, taking a moment to look back on our lives and looking forward to the path ahead. This is all in the hope of establishing, re-establishing, or deepening a personal relationship with Jesus.

"....a grace directed to sanctify the Church, to renew in her the taste for prayer, to rediscover with the Holy Spirit, the sense of gratuitousness, of joyful praise, of confidence in intercession, and to be converted into a new fountain of evangelization."

[Pope John Paul II on the Life In the Spirit Seminars, 22 January 1987]

What Happens at a YISS?

The YISS is a highly charged programme designed to help young people connect to God in a heartfelt and tangible way. It comprises of a string of sessions which presents the basic Gospel message from a fresh and relevant perspective. Every session is followed by lively group discussions lead by a facilitator to allow participants to voice their thoughts, feelings and concerns.

Throughout the 4 days, there will be heartfelt praise & worship and time for quiet personal prayer. These are punctuated with fun and games with the entire programme building up to the participants experiencing the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

One can liken this to fanning the flames in a campfire so that it may burn strongly and
vigorously once again. During the Baptism of the Spirit, the gifts and graces received at the sacraments of baptism and confirmation which may have remained undeveloped or unappreciated can be brought to the open. In so doing, many have experienced a profound personal response to the grace of God's invitation to accept and acknowledge His Son Jesus as Lord and Saviour of our lives. To each and everyone who has attended the YISS, this experience is unique and unforgettable.

When did Amplify YISS first started?

The first YISS was held 18 years ago in 1990 with a humble 30 participants and by God’s grace, the numbers have since multiplied to over an average of 100 - 130 participants per YISS.

Where is the Catholic Sprituality Centre?
Amplify Ministry is located at 1261 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore 534796.

Please click the red button on the right for MAP.

What is included in the cost of retreat ($40)?

Lodging for each night of camp, meals(breakfast, lunch, dinner, teabreaks, supper), journals and camp materials.

Is there a maximum number of participants you are expecting / Do you have a waiting list for camp?
The maximum capacity for the camp is 100, after which you can choose to be added on the waiting list. Early registration is advised to avoid disappointment.

Why is the age range for the camp 16-30 only? / Are youths aged 15 and below allowed to register for the camp?

We have found that the program caters best to this age bracket. So to make sure you get the most out of it, make sure you are 16 and above before you sign up!

If you do not meet the age requirement, (e.g 15 years of age) but are interested in the YISS, you are encouraged to check out future publicity efforts on YISS when you have met the age
requirement. Don't worry, the Amplify YISS is conducted twice yearly, June & December!

What is the dress code at camp?
• Be comfortable, but conservative.
• For girls, no short-shorts, spaghetti tops, miniskirts. Let's not be a distraction to our brothers.
• Appropriate Mass Attire is required: e.g long pants, jeans (boys & girls)

What time does registration start on the first day of camp?

Registration at camp is between 9:00 to 9:45 am on 11th December 08.
Please be punctual to facilitate the flow of the camp.

What to bring for camp?
• Your Bible
• 4 days/3nights change of clothes

• Extra set of clothes/footwear (for games!)
• Mass attire X4: e.g pants (we will be attending daily mass during the camp)
• Thermal wear for the night (eg. long sleeve t-shirt, pants, socks)

• Sweater/Wind breaker
• Slippers/sandals
• Toiletries (Bath towel, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo etc.)
• Writing materials (pen, paper)

• Water bottle

• Sleeping bag
• An open heart and mind

What not to bring?
We would encourage us to set aside those 4 days to focus on God and our spiritual life. So let's set aside anything that could potentially be a distraction. (e.g alcohol, music players, PSPs, playing cards or games. Oh, yes, smoking will not be allowed on the camp

* Amplify is not liable for any loss or damage to personal belongings (please avoid bringing expensive items to camp).

In the event of an emergency, what numbers can my parents/guardians contact me at?
Please do call one of the Camp Coordinators
Eunice: 96672382 or
Keith: 93202850.

Is it open to Catholics/Non-Catholics?
We welcome Catholics and non-Catholics alike.

Can I not stay in for the retreat as I live nearby?

It is advisable for participants to stay in for the camp to get the most out of it. Besides, its more fun. 8)

Do I get to bunk alongside my best mate?
Yes, if your best mate is of the same gender.
Girls and guys will be separated into gender-based dormitories.

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